Dear Lord please save this day. A Person and BB finally at long last agree on something!
Life is run the wrong way round.
You should start old and gradually get fitter, more active and healthier. Watch your keg become a 6-pack, have a more and more sex before experimenting with drugs at college. Giving it up and just playing with friends and becoming more and more dependent on someone who actually cares for you and thinks you're cute, then lets you suck her breasts all day before finally losing your mind in a gradual relaxed way with no worries...
On aging: I met an older friend in the grocery store one day and smiling asked her how she had been. Sue's answer, "Oh Brenda I've come to the age where I am afraid to look down or look back for fear of seeing things growing on or falling off." I am finally able to understand and appreciate what Sue was saying that day.
As for getting old and getting happier: well it just looks that way. I mean when you consider all the things that come with aging like: arthritis, balding, creaky knees and elbows, leaking bladders, heart burn caused by food you used to gobble by the buckets, allergies to things that never, ever bothered you before, flu and pneumonia shots faithfully or you spend the winter in bed ( with any luck your own), still an interest in sex but a bod that's just not up to the task, growing a beard so that now you and your spouse have his and her electric shavers that you both use faithfully every morning instead of the cutesy his and her towels of your youth, your partner going deaf and blind and refusing a hearing aid or glasses so your natural tone of voice becomes a shout even with other people and you too pretend you are blind in self-defense when he insists on driving, living with an old goat who does two things very well: Eating is one of them and the other is an unmentionable, finding weird growths on your body that your doctor tells you are benign but just part of aging so live with it, in your youth one frequent outing was going to weddings where you met all your friends and relatives and now it's going to funerals where you meet all your friends and relatives who are still among the upright and breathing, and last but not least, did I mention aches and pains in places you never noticed having before. With all of the above to contend with it's either laugh or cry, and since crying requires too much energy which you don't have you simply have to laugh, and keep laughing. Life has played one huge joke on you and it is indeed funny because you know something those young sprouts who invented the words "Golden Age" don't know: their day is coming too! BB