A little background. I began researching any last minute ideas for "Ear-plane ear" as it's called. I mentioned the other day, the last few times I flew my ears didn't "unpop" for almost 24hours after landing. I hated it! I knew about the "Afrin" cure after flying back last year and deciding to find an answer. To make a long story short, I eventually stumbled upon the process on Nasal Irrigation.
That brings us to the Neti Pot. It's a mini-tea pot you fill with salt water and stick it in your nose, and pour (without sucking) it into all the nasal cavities in your head. (Think of it as an ant colony) Then when it's completely full, it waterfalls out the other side along with all the nasty bad stuff.
Sounds weird. I thought so too, but the number of people that are doing this is "insane". It's been on all the news shows, Oprah, and everyone says once you "blow, you'll never go back". Supposedly it's the long-time secret of Broadway actors, and Opera singers to clear out congestion. To give you an idea, here's a video of the process I found on youtube:
Seems simple, and honestly I was sold. Too late to hit CVS yesterday, I picked up one today. Honestly I was a bit scared. I was afraid of swallowing it, of choking, but it's really a very serene yoga like experience.... Once the fear has passed...
Jala neti, though relatively less known in Western culture, is a common practice in parts of India and other areas in South East Asia, performed as routinely as brushing one's teeth using a toothbrush.
Apparently flushing your nose out with a Neti is all the rage today, so much so, you can pick one up at any drug store. I went to CVS today and got a off-brand named one for about $9.00 with the "modernized" squeeze bottle and 20 or so Saline packages. I came home ripped open the package and prepared for torture or inner peace.
It was simple, easy... and worked perfectly except for the fact I may have squeezed a bit too hard the first time. The fear quickly passed as I could instantly notice an improvement in breathing. After all, what works for your radiator on your car, has to be good for the body....
Basically it's a simple process of putting a package of the PH balanced Neti mixture in the bottle (or pot), filling it with warm water, shaking and shooting. Blow your noise, and repeat on the opposite orifice.
I can honestly say this stuff is Great. I'm hooked. I've never had a clearer head (literally and metaphorically) then with this stuff. It's like Douching for your nose, and it rocks. Things smell better, taste better, and I don't feel nearly plugged up in this post-flu season. My recommendation? Douche your nose today, with a Neti Pot.