Seriously, You Don't Want Me in Your Church
by Serendipitous | Published on February 20th, 2008, 8:03 pm | Life
I think this is less about Religion/Philosophy and more about Life. So I'll stuff it in this forum.Today someone mentioned this is the earliest Easter in however many years, decades, centuries, whatever… I haven't looked it up. Anyway, it got me thinking about Easter 2005. Here is one more reason why I should spontaneously combust before entering a church, especially a Catholic church.
Mind you, it was Easter Sunday, the "Amen, Alleluia, Alleluia" Sunday of all Sundays. I finally made it through all the Fridays in Lent without accidentally eating meat. I figured I deserve a little dominus ominus for just that.
Picture this: My mom advised me and my family to meet her and my dad at church early to get decent seats. Mom has saved us seats, and our crew takes up a half of this super-long pew (it's my family of four plus my parents, my goddaughter, her parents, and a couple other people I don't know but my mom thinks I’m supposed to even though I haven’t lived there for more than 10 years). I’m looking around and commenting on the folks who resemble celebrities (and if you ask me, I saw Suzanne Somers, Julianne Moore, and George Lopez… a star-studded Easter Mass!)
It's not yet standing-room-only when we spot Lil’ Miss Easter Bonnet coming down the aisle. I start commenting on the bonnet. (Hey! It's not like I saw a fat guy getting carjacked and videotaped it instead of being Good Samaritans....y’know? Seinfeld.)
If there is a god, then the one that was in that church around 10:30 on Easter morning has a sense of humor. Otherwise, Easter Bonnet would have sat somewhere else. Out of all the other friggin' open seats, Easter Bonnet haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad to plant herself in the pew in front of me. And when the usher asked the congregation to "move to the center" to make room the scores of people still arriving, Easter Bonnet didn't budge but I did and THIS was directly in front of me.
(Note: I held the camera in my lap and turned off the flash so it wouldn't be THAT obvious)
It's not that it's an ugly hat… though I think those twiggy things would look better coming out of a vase and not a hat. The wiry thingies with beads on the ends were about 2 feet long, not quite in my face but definitely invading my 3-foot radius. I swear they were reaching out at me, daring me to tie them in knots, braid them all together, maybe bat 'em around like a cat would, or use my lighter to see how quickly each wick would burn and if it would set the whole thing ablaze like a good wick should...
...and somehow I resisted.