Kiss Me, I'm Welsh, Irish... Or something else?
by Liv | Published on February 15th, 2008, 1:14 pm | Life
I'm super-stressed right now.... I've got so much on my plate, I can't even fathom vacation right now. This last week, I thought, by applying for the passport; much of the stress would be lifted off my shoulder. In turn, now I'm stressing about the passport being approved, or showing up in a normal time. Should I have gotten the express delivery, etc.... I'm about to rip my hair out. 4-6 weeks, I must have been out of my mind!Oddly enough, out of this whole process of digging through birth certificates and other documentation it's come to light some odd genealogy research. It appears, via either my great-grandfather, or my great-great grandfather is where I get my European descent. I'm not really all that certain what it is... From basically what I've gathered via family, and memory, my father's side of the family is from Wales.
Okay. Who isn't right?
But no one knows for sure. My grandfather died when my father was 12 making his birth date likely in the late 1800's. We know that in 1860 my Great-Great Grandfather was just a child, and that he was on the U.S. Census with my Great, Great, Great Grandfather.
geneology wrote:On the 1860 census his wife is called Hannah and he is listed with our ancestor, Phineas, who is just a baby.
If you're pondering why I'm contemplating the birth-place of dead relatives it all comes down to this. While I highly doubt we'd be lucky enough to do so, if That child was born in Ireland, not Wales, (apparently quite common) and I could prove it, then my father who by blood could claim citizenship could become a Irish citizen. Or at least that's the way I understand it. The whole process only goes back 2 generations, and this guy... my father's grand-father is could be proven of Irish descent would entitle him, then myself, then my children to gain Irish Citizenship and a European passport.
The problem is... according to dad, Grandpa never even had a birth certificate.... So the tracks go cold so to speak, although I'm kind of new to the whole genealogy research thing.
Several people online have done it, but obviously they have relatives who've kept much better records then mine. I think it's great that a country welcomes back it's people. Too bad more countries don't. I find it funny that someday, perhaps the grandchildren of Mexican immigrant's might "want" to migrate back to Mexico, but can't. I just find the whole thing fascinating, that we do all we can to separate ourselves, and then someone like myself ends up interested in going back to the country their ancestors left 200 years ago.
I'm sure, Great Grandpa is rolling over in his grave..