Liv wrote:I mean we're basically talking about collateral damage, and if such conspiracies such as Bush blowing up the trade center, or the Pentagon are true, then it's nothing more than a pre-emptive strike, whereby the collateral damage in order establish the conflict requires deaths of our own people.
In the eyes of George Bush (assuming such a conspiracy is true), he sees the fact that 5-10,000 casualties is a small price to pay for Saddam Hussein's WMDs which could wipe out millions of people.
Let's do the math :
Bush's mind: 1,000,000 Nuclear Deaths - 10,000 (collateral damage deaths) = Saving the lives of 990,000 people.
Which equals Bush as the savior of mankind, jesus on earth, all praise him.. yada, yada, yada...
That is what you call paranoid schizophrenia. Their crazy world perception is quite logical, if you accept the first, erroneous belief--such as Saddam had WMD. Which of course, had been pretty much disproven by the UN investigators. However, I don't give Bush credit for being that decent. I think what he actually saw was the following formula:
Mom's family business (military-industrial complex) + Dad's family business (Oil) + open-ended war = unbelievable riches, power and wealth for me and my family. Wow! Ain't it great to be commanderr in chief!!!