What is the best Shave Cream?
by Jack Aubrey | Published on December 20th, 2007, 12:00 am | Life
Ok, this review is for those guys (gals?) that shave like real men,…dragging the cold steal across their face. I’ve been shaving close on thirty years now without so much as once growing any substantial facial hair. I absolutely love a close shave. My SO gave me a gift that has increased my shaving delight enormously. C.O. Bigelow Premium Shave Cream. She bought it at Bath and Body Works. The razor used does make a difference but as far as shaving cream goes, this is the best I’ve ever used. I get a real close shave without the pain usually associated with it. I get the 5.2oz size tube and it lasts a month easy, and I shave twice, once going up, once going down and re-lathering in between (about three times a week). A-F scale= A+.