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Educators Going Back to Old Tried and True in Classroom

by BrendaBee | Published on June 16th, 2007, 4:03 pm | Life
A must read article in today’s The New York Times ( http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/16/us/16 ... ?th&emc=th ). It is called a “new” technique of “quieting the mind” or to “induce mindful awareness. “ or “mindfulness”. It is used to help children calm down and then be able to focus their thoughts. And the only thing that is new about it is that it is now the base for a whole new department with special teachers and of course the Administration must then add directors and assistant directors to out number and guide these special teachers. (Count on it! And watch how fast Dear Terry latches onto this new angle. Tho this may be the one and only good department he adds to his " More Chiefs than Indians school Administration.)

As I said, the only thing “new” about this technique is the name. If those of you who are old enough to remember before the outrageousness in education began in the 1960’s it was common for teacher to have the elementary students put their heads on their desk and turn off the lights for a period of calm and quiet. This was done at least once a day and sometimes more if the day was exceptionally stressful as on testing days or before holidays.

At any rate, for you who came up after the 1950’s it is a good read and a very informative read because it works, it’s simple and anyone can do it. Even the many so-called ADA students can and do benefit thop they may not have the patience to last thru the time period without special urging.

PS.: I used as my title that educators may be getting back to the old fashioned ways that worked because while teaching methodology classes and seminars I encouraged my students to use the old head on the desk quiet time in their classes and had a few Administrators (those who have had very little or no time in the classroom but know all about it from reading the books written by other administrators!) call me down for that archaic nonsense as it merely represses the children’s enthusiasm for learning.

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