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Anti-war rally in Greensboro

by BecauseHeLives | Published on April 20th, 2007, 1:27 pm | Life
http://www.news-record.com/apps/pbcs.dl ... 1/70420002

Interesting paragraph from the article...

The anti-war rally was organized by The World Can't Wait, a national group with ties to the Revolutionary Communist Party.
From Wikipedia (for what its worth)...

The Revolutionary Communist Party, USA (RCP, USA), known originally as the Revolutionary Union, is a Maoist-oriented communist party formed in 1975 in the United States. The RCP states that U.S. imperialism will never peacefully change and that the only way for the oppressed masses to ever liberate themselves is through waging a people's war and building a new socialist society on the ashes of capitalism.

Yeah... it sure sounds like they have the American people's interest at heart.
April 20th, 2007, 1:30 pm
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What's sad is I'm starting to wonder if they might be right.
April 20th, 2007, 3:51 pm
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I show you something fantastic and you find fault.
Location: Greensboro, NC
Liv wrote:What's sad is I'm starting to wonder if they might be right.

I think that on the topic of Iraq, the protesters are very much correct. The only positive thing we can do there is to stop shooting ourselves in the foot. The vast incompetence of our leaders has created yet another no-win situation, and "staying the course" will only doom thousands more of our soldiers to death and life-long disabilities.

Whatever "final form" the society of Iraq will turn out to take, we won't be able to control it. The Iraqis will settle that for themselves, regardless of how long we work at influencing it.

As to the rhetoric anout socialism and capitalism... well, the grand sweep of history will be the only thing to give a final answer to that. :?
April 20th, 2007, 4:37 pm
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Location: 5th circle of hell -- actually not very crowded at the moment.
The RCP are a silly and largely insignificant cult. It is disappointing that they managed to place themselves at the organizational center of the anti-war movement over the past several years. The fact that they have done so reflects (a) their single-minded focus, and (b) the failure of the democratic (small "d") left to do a better job of organizing.

Regardless, the anti-war movement is far broader than the RCP, and the ever-dwindling pro-war faction's constant harping on them is simultaneously delusional and desperate. As between the grown men who actually planned and carried out the illegal and unprovoked invasion of another country and the senseless murder of thousands of innocent people, and a bunch of kids who get their kicks dressing up in "Mao More than Ever" t-shirts and posturing as "revolutionaries", I know which group I consider more dangerous.
April 21st, 2007, 6:54 pm

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