You're famous and secretly gay. Do you have rights?
by Matt | Published on December 26th, 2006, 7:52 pm | Life
In todays Life section of the News & Record, there's an article about a guy named Mario Lavandeira. He has a website on which he relentlessly pursues outing Hollywood closeted gays along apparently having fun with MS Paint.
His website is a bit juvenile and doesn't exactly exactly give the air of credibility, but apparently he's had some success outing some famous gays.
Which brings me to my questions: If you're gay and in the closet, are you hindering gay rights? Do you deserve to be outed? Do you have the right to live a closeted life if that's what you want to do?
How about if you work in Hollyweird? If you're famous and gay, do you have a responsibility to further the gay cause? Do you have any right to be angry if you get outed?
Let's hear it 'Boro readers.