Intriguing article in The Atlantic on how cats, carrying a common parasite, infect their owners and thereby manipulate the neuron connections in the brain. Toxoplasma gondii is commonly a concern of pregnant women, but in a healthy adult, this parasite will often lay dormant in the hosts brain as well. It was believed, that the parasite reached a "dead-end", but now, as evolutionary research shows T. gondii like many other parasites, changes the host's brain, and their resulting behavior.
It rewires the cat owner's brain to cause men to become introverted and suspicious (Summy must have a crap load of cats) and makes women "outgoing, trusting, and image-conscious".
Worse yet, schizophrenia patients, commonly test positive for the virus.
Apparently that co-worker of yours who complains that her cats are conspiring against her, and to which everyone else thinks is crazy... isn't. Of course this explains why the Egyptians all had cats. They were ancient astronauts who brought cats to conquer the human race.