So these folks want to have the schools teach evolution in the "context" of the theorists' political and religious views? Facts behind the science itself be damned? Good one!
Or there's a second one that stresses that theories shouldn't be accepted as "fact" until all information is known.
Zen Faulkes, a biology professor at the University of Texas, Pan America wrote:Bill 1457 turns skepticism into bewilderment. It would ask teachers to say to students, 'Don't commit to the hypothesis that uranium has more protons than carbon,' or 'Remember, kids, tomorrow we might find out that DNA is not the main molecule that carries genetic information.' Evolution is as much a fact as either of those things, so it should be taught with the same confidence.
Then there's the bill being considered in Indiana (I thought they were a bit more sensible up there...) requiring flat-out that creationism be taught in schools.
Seriously, America... why try to politicize science? Shouldn't we be trying to make politics science-driven instead??