Some months back, a team of French and Italian physicists reported conducting an experiment that showed a particle beam traveling faster than the speed of light. Now, one would expect that if science was "dogmatic" about its laws, these people would have been drummed out of the scientific club ad labeled crackpots. Instead, they have been working diligently to find out whether the report was accurate.
And there's this quote that I liked:
Still, scientists stressed that only independent measurements by labs elsewhere would allow them to declare that the results of their experiment were a genuine finding.
"A measurement so delicate and carrying a profound implication on physics requires an extraordinary level of scrutiny," said Fernando Ferroni, president of Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics. "The positive outcome of the test makes us more confident in the result, although a final word can only be said by analogous measurements performed elsewhere in the world."
In other words, they are both working to falsify this finding AND willing to accept it as good, factual science IF it can be confirmed independently. Creationists should take note, and see if they can work within that framework. If not, don't whine about it... learn from your mistake.