Are You Strong Enough to Fight the Nazi's?
by shannon | Published on September 23rd, 2009, 10:49 am | Life
How strong are your convictions? Would you be willing to die for voicing your opinions against the masses? Sophie Scholl and her brother were put to death in Germany during Hitler's reign of terror for passing out leaflets at school, commenting against the spread of violence. Going against the grain and standing up for their belief in peace and free speech earned them a conviction of treason and beheading. Liv and I just watched the movie of Sophie's final days. There were many who shared their belief but were too frightened to stand up. I was sitting here with tears flowing down my cheek as we both realized that 60 years later, little has changed. Sure we in America are supposed to have the right to free speech. That's how this forum on Greensboring survives. What only few realize it the fact that with that right there is always a consequence. I'm crying for he fear that this story is still occuring around the world and that even here at home voicing opposing views of those profiting from power face metaphorical be-heading. The lack of assimilation and reluctance to conform has ill effects in the U.S. While it's scary to believe what our government can do to us behind closed doors, it is even within our own communities where political, religious and social views produce prejudice and hate. While some companies would refuse to admit it, I know many "differences" have led to the loss of employment. Neighbors and fellow church members grow uncomfortable with the open discussion of "hot topics". We still feel the need to censor ourselves for protection. Why?
Every culture has certain taboos in place to maintain structure. But must we still follow the flock when we witness the sheep performing acts of evil? Would you have the courage to stand up and fight for what's right? I questioned my own conscience while watching the movie. I would hope that I could stand up against injustice, but I really don't know if in the end I truly would. These college kids in the movie spoke against the acts of the Nazi's til the end. Far too often we stand up while it's convenient, then when things get tough we back down. It brought to mind the Dixie Chicks calling out against good ole' boy G. Bush. The reprecussions they faced were, daunting to say the least, yet they never backed down. Even as we speak, politics are bombarded with the voices of the nutters. Where are the courageous representatives of those listening to reason? Why are the rest of us with some common sense sitting back quietly watching the parade of circus clowns march on by?