Top 10 "Top-Gun" Lines to Annoy Co-Workers.
by Liv | Published on August 30th, 2009, 7:36 am | Life
I've been known among friends to converse in Hollywood "script-speak" and found there's a lot of people at a disconnect with pop-culture.... especially when you go into H.R. and say "Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate."... but man when someone else whose passing by gets it... then, if only you could look upon their faces for a brief moment....
- Top 10 "Top-Gun" Lines to Annoy Co-Workers:
10. Swilling down Starbucks on the way in from the parking lot: "I feel the need ... the need for speed." (Or, if you're already caffeinated enough, "Time to kick the tires and light the fires!")
9. When coming in the office door: "Good morning, gentlemen, the temperature is 110 degrees."
8. When your boss asks you to do something: "That's a negative, Ghost rider, the pattern is full."
7. When seeing your friend in the restroom: "Hey Goose, you big stud!" (Or, if you're feeling daring, "Great balls of fire!")
6. After that three-martini lunch to nobody in particular: "I flew with your old man. VF-51, the Oriskany. You're a lot like he was. Only better... and worse."
5. When passing off an assignment to a subordinate: "If you screw up just this much, you'll be flying a cargo plane full of rubber dogs--t out of Hong Kong!"
4. On spotting targets at Happy Hour after work: "Too close for missiles, I'm switching to guns."
3. What to tell your wing-man at Happy Hour after switching to guns: "Do not fire until fired upon."
2. What you tell yourself when your ATM won't cough up more cash: "Son, your ego is writing checks your body can't cash."
1. And whenever you get the chance: "Take me to bed or lose me forever." via