Greensboro Relocation Information
by raysfan | Published on May 19th, 2006, 4:19 pm | Greensboro
Greetings People of Greensboro,
My wife and I are looking to relocate this summer but don't know where. Perhaps you can help. We are looking for a nice community that we can be proud to live in. We currently live in Tampa and are kind of tired of the year round heat, lack of seasons...Just looking for a fresh change. I am interested in Greensboro because we have always thought North Carolina is a beautiful state. However, we have some concerns. We have shopped Raleigh, but there is no easy way to travel north to south, the downtown is surely lacking, not that we need New York City, but it seems completely dead. We would like to see a show or have dinner time to time downtown. Charlotte is beautiful, but seems to lack a personality. I understand that people move to these areas in mass rates, but than I'm from Florida and am used to it. When researching Raleigh and Charlotte, there seems to me some animosity between natives and transplants. We are looking for a place somewhat liberal and has potential. Though I am not a good ol boy, I'm looking for a place where people don't refer to northerners as Yankees and northerners don't refer to southerners as Good 'ol Boy or hick just because we come from the south. Confused yet? Just looking for a nice place that is laid back and feels like "home". I know there is no perfect place, but the less tension the better, whether it be between geographical lines or race.
If you have any info about schools that would be good too as we are both teachers.
Any info would be appreciated.
I am not a "Christian" as refered to in the south, but I am Catholic. Nothing against that, but here people tend to judge you by that. Would I be out of place?