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Animal Shelter to provide cat meat for the Homeless.

by Liv | Published on September 6th, 2006, 7:37 am | Greensboro
People are hungry, and we have to many cats on the streets. Why not feed the stray animals to our hungry homeless people?

A few weeks ago the News & Record published an article about the mass murder of thousands upon thousands of itty bitty baby kittens. .

Now I am a pet lover, and the thought of my little fluffy kitty getting harmed or, eaten? Is alarming to me. But, I must concede, what makes a cat or dog any less deserving of people plopping it in the deep-fryer then a chicken or a cow? If intellect is to win out, over societies taboos, then doesn't it make sense that we should get over this silly personification of domesticated animals and eat them?

Is it not within the realm of mind that since we're throwing away and slaughtering thousands of cats, wouldn't that meat be better used down at the soup kitchen feeding hundreds of homeless and down-on-their-luck citizens looking for a warm meal?

I realize this is hard to swallow. I understand that this feels wrong at first, but is there honestly a good reason why we shouldn't, other then some unwritten rule that makes us kinda sad if we consider cats can be eaten?

Are we not wasting more, and being less responsible by merely disposing of all the cat meat, rather than let it go to some greater cause?
You'd get a lot of flack about if we are breeding these cats just to feed people.

Then the FDA would have to get involved to ensure quality. I can't imagine the cost of "testing" the meat to ensure no parisites or disease are involved. It pricey enough on big cows that are pretty much in a controlled environment.

I wouldn't want to dine on a stray cow that's been living in a city. Although I used to deer hunt and eat deer meat that grew in a forrest.

Man there's a really raunchy joke in here that I'm just going to let go. :twisted:
September 6th, 2006, 8:36 am
Matt wrote: It pricey enough on big cows that are pretty much in a controlled environment.

Okay... how about we feed homless people to homeless people. Free food, and we fit into that whole 10 year plan to end homelessness in Greensboro?

(Cara Michelle is going to be along soon, to slap my hand.)
September 6th, 2006, 10:57 am
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I show you something fantastic and you find fault.
Location: Greensboro, NC
Is that like Girl Scout cookies being made with real Girl Scouts?
September 6th, 2006, 11:05 am

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