Time Warner Cable Hates YOU!
by Sanjuro | Published on August 22nd, 2007, 8:55 am | Greensboro
*EDIT: Skip to page 3 to read about Time Warner's attempts to meter broadband*
OK seriously. These people are all evil.
First of all, I have had Directv for about 4 years. Out of those 4 years, I had ZERO problems. None, nadda, zilch. Nothing requiring a repair person and nothing that required any type of service. Good equipment, great signal, great programming.
Ok... well naturally I need internet access.. so I go with Time Warner (Wiener from here on out) as there is no other real solution for quick downloads and uploads. Out of that time I have had to replace their stupid cable modems no less than 14 times. I swear. On top of that, service simply drops at times for no apparent reason. It Just simply stops. Thank god I don't have them for television because I'd be pissed if I was Tivo'ing something and missed it because of these yokels.
Now on to the story/rant. Time Wiener employs incompetent private contractors to do their work. Now when you employ contractors it somewhat adds a buffer between the company and responsibility for the work being done. How? Well if they screw something up its not Time Wiener's fault. Apparently it's the contractor's. And good luck on getting them to do anything about it. There is simply no reason for them to give a damn, as Time Wiener has a virtual monopoly when it comes to High Speed internet.
So Time Wiener sends out Dufus and Cleatis to hook up cable in an apt near mine. It's important to note that I live in a renovated older building. Apparently there are a lot of coax cables under the floors. Long story short, when Dufus and Cleatis couldn't figure out which cables went to that apt, they became frustrated and began to cut coax cables at random.. I will say this again for impact.. they became frustrated and cut coax cables at random. So what did they do? Cut my cable modem, cut my satellite dish coax cables, and to add insult to injury, they pointed my dish (on the roof) down. Incidentally they also disconnected cable in another apt and never bothered to reconnect it.
We contacted Time Wiener... which was a HUGE ordeal because you don't know Dante's 9th circle of hell until trying to explain how their workers did this when NOT working on YOUR service to one of their operators. Prepare for repetition because you will be forced to tell the same story over and over and over and then S L O W L Y and then over again!
Ok, so Time Wiener sends Dufus and Cleatis out again. They reconnect my stuff by re-splicing the cable, and "kinda" move the dish "sort of" back up. In that "I'm a bloody retard and think if its pointing towards the sky it must work" kind of way. They tell my maintenance guy that "well we think we fixed it, if its still not right he can call Directv. They will come out and fix for free".
Yeah, not so much there buster. That was officially his way of absolving himself and his inbred cousin/brother from any responsibility.
Naturally the dish is pointing nowhere near the right place in the sky and TV has no signal. I call Directv and they wanna charge me 80 effing dollars to come out and fix. I say "hold on, I'm not paying for that" and call Time Wiener. One can imagine their reaction. Well we cant pay, perhaps you should contact the contractor, well they cant pay as they 'work' for Time Wiener. And there you have it. almost a month now and no resolution.
I'm not alone I found out. A friend told me of her neighbor with a similar issue and his battle with the Wiener. She said the condo next to him had cable work done. But to get to it they had to crawl over his ceiling. When they did, they slipped (or something) and cracked his plaster. Now he has a big crack and bump in his ceiling. He has been battling with these funk-tards for 8 months now trying to get them to pay for their incompetence.
Rant over.. for now. But has anyone else dealt with Time Wiener's shady dealings and poor business practices?