A Person wrote:A better way to celebrate would be to watch a debate from Sept 7th with David Berlinski on the topic
"Does atheism poison everything?” Losing his hair has not diminished his intellectual strength
I just got finished watching this video. I thought that one point at the end of Berlinski's time was of particular interest. He said (more or less) that atheism can't allow or answer the question of "what forces us to behave as we should?" I found it remarkable because he emphasized the word "forces." It made me wonder what he could have meant, because it should be obvious to even the most casual and sloppy observer that no one is
forced to "behave as we should."
To make such a statement was ridiculous in the extreme. And to choose to make it at the point where it could not be responded to was, I expect, not a mistake on Berlinski's part. He may have a lot more time at his disposal to study history and philosophy than I do, but it seem to me that he has wasted it. His point HAS been answered, most thoroughly, by science. The fact that he puts it forward in spite of the facts indicates an intellectual dishonesty that I've long come to expect from members of the frickin' Discovery Institute.