RebelSnake wrote:Questioner wrote:RebelSnake wrote: the American people ready for an elected president who was educated in a Madrassa as a young boy and has not been forthcoming about his Muslim heritage?
Oh puhleeeese! Obama was never in a madrassa. Another republican smear. I can see the republican lie machine is already hard at work.
If you would take the time to actually read the article you would see it originated from Hillary Clinton's camp, not the republicans.
Well, my dear, if YOU would take the time to track down the
full story (instead of just reading republican propaganda), you would learn that
Insight made up the whole story about Obama being educated in a Madrassa. And then
Insight simultaneously tried to discredit Hillary (and to cause trouble in the Democrat camp) by attributing their toxic garbage to Hillary Clinton. Clinton had nothing to do with it. The extremely conservative
Insight is a yellow "rag" and just another part of the republican brainwashing machine, and it is the sole "source" of the "story".
Since relatively few people even know about
Insight, the republican smear machine had to figure out a way to spread their prize manure. No problem! Fox News immediately put it on their "news" (with no further checking into the falseness of the story as a legitimate news organization would have done). You see, when it came out that none of the story was true, Fox was able slither out of their legal responsibility for their libel (leaving their typical slime trail) by saying they were just quoting another news source. And of course that excreble Rush Limbaugh filth jumped in and helped by spewing these lies all over the radio waves. Fox News and Rush Limbaugh know that the courts have found that if one news source quotes another and gives attribution (Fox clearly stated that the report came from Insight), then they cannot be held responsible for their libel. And a "political commentator" such as Rush basically is immune to libel and slander suits because he makes sure he says at least once on his show, "in my opinion". Opinions cannot be sued over.
This was another well orchestrated republican smear. With an evil but creative twist: Instead of getting some shill group like Swift Boat Veterans to spew their lying poison, they came up with the idea to attribute their contemptable lies to Hillary. As is so typical of malevolent and vile people, instead of taking personal responsibility for their calumny of Obama, they continue to defame Hillary by attributing
their lies about Obama's background to her.
I guess since they can't run the country, foreign policy or their own trumped up war competently, the republicans have to show they are good at
something--and the only thing I've seen them do competently is to produce an endless string of foul smear campaigns.