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One Iraq veteran's letter to Bush/Cheney

What The Funk?

Postby SouthernFriedInfidel » Thu Mar 21, 2013 9:05 pm

The man is dying. He joined the US Armed Forces just after 9/11, expecting to be sent to Afghanistan to avenge the terror attacks. Instead, he got sent to Iraq to spill his blood for oil company profits. Before he fades away completely, he wants George Bush and Dick Cheney to know what he thinks.

I write this letter, my last letter, to you, Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney. I write not because I think you grasp the terrible human and moral consequences of your lies, manipulation and thirst for wealth and power. I write this letter because, before my own death, I want to make it clear that I, and hundreds of thousands of my fellow veterans, along with millions of my fellow citizens, along with hundreds of millions more in Iraq and the Middle East, know fully who you are and what you have done. You may evade justice but in our eyes you are each guilty of egregious war crimes, of plunder and, finally, of murder, including the murder of thousands of young Americans—my fellow veterans—whose future you stole...

No doubt this is a great relief to this soldier. Too bad neither Cheney nor Bush will ever read it. Heck, even if either one DID read it, there would be no effect. They did what they did in order to make their buddies richer than they already were... who cares what happened to the poor sub-human non-entities that they fooled into doing their dirty work for them?
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Postby Liv » Thu Mar 21, 2013 11:19 pm

So the young boy-soldier grows up to find the true horrors of his own country. That's what we call ironic.
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Postby SouthernFriedInfidel » Thu Mar 21, 2013 11:39 pm

Real life has a way of tearing up and pulverizing dearly-cherished dreams... so,e in more devastating manners than others.
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Postby Liv » Fri Mar 22, 2013 12:46 am

Just think of those Hitler Youth who hated the French, English and Americans soooooo bad..... then would one day become Pope.
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