"Early Painz wrote:“Your opposition will constitute Obstruction of Justice, Aiding and Abetting in the elections fraud in forgery and treason in allowing a foreign citizen to usurp the U.S. Presidency with an aid of forged IDs and usurp the civil rights of the U.S. citizens,” she wrote. “At any rate your opposition and your attempt of intimidation and your allegiance or lack of allegiance to the United States of America is duly noted. Just make sure not to forget to bring with you Mr. Obama’s application, registration, and financial aid application.”
The Nazi judge admonished her and educated her on the finer points of law
Judge Marginis wrote:You should know that evidence is not stuff printed from the internet,
Because losing a legal case due to incompetence is just like being rounded up and shipped to Belsen, Orlon Tightz felt just like a Jew on kristallnacht
The judge did not give a damn about this country . Sadly he is not any different from all the other judges. I am yet to see one single judge who gives a damn about this nation. I feel like I am in Nazi Germany in the 1930s.
Occidental lawyer Jay Ritt was surprisingly modest about his team's legal skills
Jay Ritt wrote:I would like to take credit for a spectacular job preparing papers and going down to the Orange County Superior Court and arguing this case and getting sanctions, but I honestly believe a rhesus monkey could have beaten Ms. Taitz and got a sanction award based on the awful lack of merit to the subpoena itself, and the case itself, from what I could tell, seems just ludicrous on its face.
A spokesman - sorry, spokesape, for the Rhesus Lawyer's Association was not impressed
Occidental Weekly