by Mr. Bill » Wed Nov 07, 2012 1:53 pm
Well, Unfortunately, it appears that the Nig%#r, and all the Nig&#r Lovers have (Cheated) won again. I hope that they suffer more this time than they , and WE will this time. What Stupid Sheeple there are in this country. I hope that they will be out of work, lose their homes, and struggle in the streets of despair for years to come. They deserve all the Misery that comes with this Re election. This country will be worse off that it's ever been, all because they want their entitlements.
They Suck off the government, because they won't stand on their feet , and make the rest of us pay for their existence. Damn this country, Damn all those who have brought this about again. America is destined to be taken over, and I hope in the worst possible way, that All You Obama sucking Bastards live Short Miserable lives, and perish without the chance to ever see a better future, because you certainly ruined OURS!