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American wants to know why he can't shoot Canadians

What The Funk?

Postby A Person » Tue Aug 14, 2012 5:15 pm

A police officer from Kalamazoo, Mitchigan went walking on Nose Hill Park in Calgary, Canada recently - when some locals approached him and asked "Been to the Stampede yet?"

Scary stuff. What would any reasonable person do in the face of such a threat? What would Jesus do?

Walt Wawra, Paranoid American Sociopath wrote:I quickly moved between these two and my wife, replying, "Gentle-men, I have no need to talk with you, goodbye." They looked bewildered, and we then walked past them.

I speculate they did not have good intentions when they approached in such an aggressive, disrespectful and menacing manner. I thank the Lord Jesus Christ they did not pull a weapon of some sort, but rather concluded it was in their best interest to leave us alone.

Would we not expect a uniformed officer to pull his or her weapon to intercede in a life-or-death encounter to protect self, or another? Why then should the expectation be lower for a citizen of Canada or a visitor? Wait, I know - it's because in Canada, only the criminals and the police carry handguns.

How dare complete strangers try to talk to you when you're visiting their city! Shoot at will!

As a Canadian who frequently walks on Nose Hill. I'm rather glad trigger-happy sociopaths aren't allowed to shoot fellow walkers who have the nerve to try to engage in something we call 'socializing'. (no - not socialism - well never mind, it's too subtle for an American cop). Oh and those young men were probably giving away free tickets to the Stampede - locals get them as free promotions in the weeks before Stampede

Walt, don't thank "the Lord Jesus Christ they did not pull a weapon of some sort", thank Canadian gun control - and please stuff your 'stand your ground' crap up your donut fed ass.
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Postby SouthernFriedInfidel » Tue Aug 14, 2012 6:36 pm

Well, you know, a Stampede is a violent, horrific act of mindless cattle trampling Americans in an act of mass panic. Those incredible insensitive Canadians threatening this God-fearing American with certain death by myriad hoof-strikes should feel lucky that he didn't pull out a Glock with a Jesus decal on the handle and give them their justice on the spot!

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Postby A Person » Tue Aug 14, 2012 8:02 pm

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Postby SouthernFriedInfidel » Tue Aug 14, 2012 8:12 pm

Doesn't matter if the "Two Gentlemen of Calgary" were official promoters or just some guys trying to unload some tickets. They were CANADIANS. That should be 'nuff said.
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Postby A Person » Tue Aug 14, 2012 8:51 pm

It must be sad to live in a world where you live in fear and reach for a gun if someone says Hi.

Where you shoot someone for walking towards you.

"I was afraid" - the mating call of the Trembling 'Merkin

What's weird is that he thinks he's making a case AGAINST gun control - whereas he's actually making a compelling case FOR it. I don't want to live in a place where paranoid, trigger-happy sociopaths are armed and drawing guns when someone talks to them.
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