In this story, he seems determined to make the state of Colorado pay as much as possible to process his crimes in the courts, and will very likely relish all the media attention he'll get until he's sentenced... maybe for the rest of his life.
It's very interesting to me that this report says that his mother replied immediately that reporters had the right family. She knew that her son was mentally cracked. I'd like to know that part of the story: did they know he was slipping off the rails, but couldn't bear to send this guy to a mental health professional for evaluation and treatment? Did they not have sufficient insurance to handle such a problem? THAT will be interesting to see if media follow up on it.
As of this time, the police haven't gotten into the fellow's apartment, saying that it looks like it's booby trapped with enough explosives to take out the whole block. Myself, I'm expecting that it's all a fake. But naturally, they can't take a chance, and will just have to treat it as real until they can prove otherwise.
I'm also curious about the mental health aspect of this at the University's end. The fellow only recently withdrew from his studies for his doctorate. I wonder if the people working in his lab had any concerns about his mental stability. If they did, what was THEIR take on it all? I wonder if Colorado will turn out to have lived with the exact same problems that VA Tech did... and failed once again to catch a catchable mass murderer before he got to this awful end game?
The next month or so will be MOST interesting.