But hey, the rules for journalism, as the rules for congressional decorum, must be different when the President is Black.
At least, that seems to be what Neil Munro from The Daily Caller thinks. During the President's opening statement, this clown jumped up and interrupted the President, shouting, "Why do you favor foreigners over American workers?" I wonder where he got the idea that it was time to ask the President questions? We'll ignore the actual slant of the question for now, because The Daily Caller sure looks to me like they have deep running Moonbattery genes in their makeup...
Myself, I'd think that pulling a stunt like this, putting his "paper" in danger of losing access to White House press access, would have caused some consternation at his home office. Not so:
In a statement on the Daily Caller site, Editor-In-Chief Tucker Carlson defended Munro, saying, "A reporter's job is to ask questions and get answers.
"Our job is to find out what the federal government is up to. Politicians often don't want to tell us. A good reporter gets the story. We're proud of Neil Munro."
Really, Tucker? Your reporter/clown wasn't interested in participating in the standard process of reporting. He was interested in getting himself and your web site in the news. It wouldn't matter one BIT what the President had answered if Munro had waited his turn and asked his idiotic questions when his turn came, because you would not have gotten a single new click on your web site.
You aren't interested in journalism. You're interested in notoriety. Well, you have that, for now. Hope it works out for you the way you dreamed it would, but I rather doubt it will.