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Arizona proves its not crazy

What The Funk?

Postby A Person » Wed Jun 13, 2012 8:49 pm

Remember Gabby Giffords, shot by a hero exercising his 2nd Amendment right to empty a 30 round semi-automatic into people for - well looking threatening?

As you know she decided that afer losing half her brains, she was too smart to want to stand again, so her seat was up for grabs.

Enter Jesse Kelly. Who campaigned on caressing guns, smooching guns, french kissing guns and who knows what else went on in the back seat of his pickup

Jesse-Kelly-ad.jpg (12.09 KiB) Viewed 1191 times

Well Arizona decided it didn't want a trigger happy gun buggerer to replace their shot up congresswoman and elected Ron Barber instead. He'd better watch his back, as the 'my bullet outvotes your democracy' crowd will have him in their sights (sorry - survey markers)

Way to go, Arizona!
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Postby SouthernFriedInfidel » Wed Jun 13, 2012 10:08 pm

Wasn't a state-wide election. So only Giffords' DISTRICT has exhibited some sense. Says nothing about the state as a whole.
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Postby Liv » Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:37 pm

I seriously wonder what's going to happen to Arizona once all the babyboomers die off.

It's going to be like those abandoned cities you see.

No one is going to want to live there, unless they stop it with the nonsense out there.

You want to see Arizona go crazy, ban jet-skis.
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Postby A Person » Fri Jun 15, 2012 2:05 am

Jesse thanks Jesus for making him lose

"I would like to thank our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, my wife Aubrey, and our supporters for their unwavering commitment to the values that make America great. Looking at the results from Tuesday, we have decided to withdraw from the race for Congress in AZ-02 and to seek other opportunities. I will forever be thankful to our generous supporters and volunteers."

I second that, "Thanks Jesus!"
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