by Liv » Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:33 pm
The whole thing is bad in my opinion.
No jobs even if you're educated, and even those with educations are idiots.
People never buy the things they need, and they want stupid things.
People still have expectations of hummers and 5000 sqft homes.
They can't let go.
Our infrastructure is breaking, our government has stopped functioning.
Racial overtones have reverted to the 50s.
Inequality in race, gender, sex, and finances are now worse than they've been in a long time.
Unions are dead.
Wages are low.
There is no health care.
Income against inflation hasn't increased in 30+ years.
We're all walking around with no teeth and dead organs hoping to find jobs, waiting for that one last comeback that will maintain the ideal life we had of settling down in the suburbs with a cushy job, we all entertained 5-10 years ago.
That dreams is gone, but America hasn't realized it.
I'm not sure it actually was ever there.
Like the metaphorical house with the white picket fence it was a packaged and sold idea of we're told we should want, rather than what we really do want.
All I want is some simple things.
1- GOOD Healthcare and Education for me and my children.
2- A livable wage where I don't have to constantly worry about where the next meal comes from.
3- Equality with my neighbor.
It's not too much to ask for, I don't think?