by Lady Donna Royce » Tue Jun 12, 2012 7:37 pm
To this day, you will never convince me that this Jesus was nothing more then a MAN! A good man to be sure but a man none the less. It was the church that elevated a good man teaching a good thing to the status of a god.
At that time the only people that could read where the “Church Men.” So all the people could do was to take the “Church Men's” word for what they said was in the bible. (The funny thing is that the people are the same way today!)
The ONLY reason that these “Church Men” were doing this was GREED and POWER! These men wanted to wrest power from those that were in power at that time and that was WOMAN! At that time, the Pagen belief had the woman in charge of things. But most of all the woman AND the men SHARED the job of keeping things in order and keeping the people safe and happy and they were doing a damn good job of it, till a bunch of men that did not like the idea of of how things were going and had a HUGE GREED on for power and money and controlling others around them going on.
So these men cooked up this “god” and used this “Jesus” as their connection to this “god” to make the people bend the knee to them and in turn get the people to give them every bit of money and property they could get their nasty hands on.
And when they ran up against people that did not buy what they were selling, they came up with ways to ROB them of everything they had (This was the “Inquisition.”) and they used this god and their bible to get away with it!
So the way I see it. The Pagen belief is the true and only one and these others are nothing more then GREEDY USERPERS that WILL do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to hold on to the power they STOLE so long ago!
Like I said above. I do believe in the man known to the world as Jesus . BUT! I only believe he was A VERY GOOD MAN THAT TRIED TO TEACH US HOW TO LIVE A BETTER LIFE AND HOW TO TREAT THOSE AROUND US AS WE WISH TO BE TREATED!
Lady Donna Royce