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Ever wonder about Propaganda?

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Postby SouthernFriedInfidel » Wed May 30, 2012 7:40 am

There was a letter to the editor in the Greensboro News the other day that looked rather interesting, talking about propaganda. It urged readers to learn the techniques of this activity and keep an eye out for it in the upcoming election cycle. Out of curiosity, I performed the search in Google that was suggested, and found this site from George Mason University.

Of course, this is a static site (rather awkwardly presented, sadly), with lots of historical information, but no links that I found pointing to recent, concrete examples. Still, looking at the list of common techniques, I think we can ALL point to examples:

Name Calling
Glittering Generalities
Plain Folks
Card Stacking
Band Wagon

What I thought most interesting about the page describing these techniques was that every point suggested ways people should think about these things when they see them in action. Every one of them basically boiled down to urging people to exercise CRITICAL THOUGHT... something few people are prepared for, or even capable of, doing.

We are a nation of uncritical people who are educated by most channels in everything possible EXCEPT critical thought. Therefore, we are a people custom-made for propagandists to flourish and ply their trade with impunity. Sadly, I expect the appeal to watch for and fight against propaganda will fall on pre-deafened ears.

Until we as a people start actively searching for and standing up against the use of propaganda in political discourse, we will be doomed to being led by the nose to our demise as a democratic republic.
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Postby Liv » Wed May 30, 2012 1:01 pm

I wonder if there's ever been a study that asked if skepticism rose with education levels?

I mean it seems sort of obvious, that the less educated you are, the more likely you are to believe "wild and crazy" stuff.

I had my kids believing there was an "Apple Bunny" (not even sure what that is) who came on Thanksgiving for several years. Eventually they figured out I was pulling their legs, and I told them "don't always believe what others tell you". Then they asked me how long till Santa comes, and I repeat that mantra. I'm hoping by the time we get to Jesus, their lessons will be learned. If they can manage that, politics should come easy.
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Postby Jamy » Wed May 30, 2012 1:19 pm

Propaganda is everywhere and I think you are right....this IS a country of uncritical thinkers. I get into trouble every time I criticize public schools, but I'll say it anyway....our schools do nothing to teach or support critical thinking skills. The emphasis is on passing those damned standardized tests and regurgitating spoon-fed information. I know that some teachers and parents try to teach critical thinking skills and some schools are better than others, but over all, the system is set up to produce students who will provide good scores and not much else.

We are setting ourselves up for a really scary future by not making sure kids develop more critical thinking skills.
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Postby Liv » Wed May 30, 2012 1:35 pm

I agree, public schools are nothing but baby sitters for poor people.

Likely do to crap teachers, and their crap educations.

Perhaps if college was free, and these teachers all had masters degrees then our children would be better educated.
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Postby SouthernFriedInfidel » Wed May 30, 2012 2:41 pm

I think that it was a conscious choice long ago to remove anything that resembled training in logic or reasoning from public schools. After all, the governments (state and federal) have no use for a population that is trained to see through their propaganda and call them out on it.

The only hope we've EVER had in this regard is a free, independent press that does have critical thinkers in the roles of reporting and editing the news. Even THAT has fallen by the wayside, so now, America is readily blown along by the winds of hot air being blown from the government and the most popular media outlets. This is how we got the Iraq war, deficit spending in good economic times, and a Congress that is so dysfunctional that it will willingly crash the government in order to curry favor from the wealthiest people on Earth.

We are a BUNCH of sick puppies. :evil:
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