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Daniel Adkins Jr shot for nearly getting hit by SUV

What The Funk?

Postby A Person » Mon Apr 30, 2012 5:08 pm

In another example of 'Stand Your Ground & Shoot at Will' a mentally disbled man was shot at a Taco Bell for shouting at an SUV driver for nearly hitting him.

The killer has not been charged - after all the man was a retard - and he was clearly a threat - he was shoutin' and stuff.

He also had a magic disappearing metal pipe

CNN wrote:Daniel Adkins Jr. walked past Taco Bell's drive-thru just as a 22-year-old man pulled around in his SUV to pick up his order. Sitting in the passenger seat was his pregnant fiancée.

CNN is withholding the shooter's name because he has not been charged with a crime. A police report describes how the deadly confrontation unfolded.

The driver slammed on the brakes, just missing Adkins. The two men exchanged words.

The shooter told police that Adkins "air swung" his hands in the direction of the SUV, but acknowledged he never hit him or his vehicle. Still, he said, he was afraid of what Adkins might do with the weapon he believed he was carrying. Although a weapon was never found, the shooter described it as a 3-foot metal pipe or bat.

When Adkins lifted his hands in the air again, the driver drew his Smith and Wesson .40-caliber handgun from his sweatpants. He pointed the barrel at Adkins from inside his car and racked the slide of the gun, putting a bullet in the chamber. Then he pulled the trigger.

Struck in the chest, Adkins fell to the ground, face first, clutching Lady's leash. The lab stayed at her master's side, even as the life drained out of him.

The shooter pulled around to the front of the Taco Bell as his fiancée called 911.

He told police he had no choice but to shoot. He said he couldn't drive away from Adkins because the dog was in the way and he "thought he had no other options," according to the police report.

Trying to interview the killer also proved to be dangerous

CNN was unable to locate the shooter but spoke with a man who identified himself as his father. The man didn't want to be named and stood behind the door of his home, warning that he had a gun in his hand. He defended his son's right to use deadly force
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Postby SouthernFriedInfidel » Mon Apr 30, 2012 5:22 pm

Oh yeah, this is going to keep rolling in the media now. They know to look for police reports where people claim self-defense for killing people on the street. I wonder if this will ever translate into pressure on law-makers to get rid of these idiotic laws?
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Postby Liv » Tue May 01, 2012 11:45 am

This one sounds particularly maddening.... an imaginary bat? WTF?

We do some idiotic things in this country, but handing guns over to anyone, (many) who likely lack the maturity or education level to own one, is by far... insanity.
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Postby nuckledragger » Sun Jun 03, 2012 4:46 am

This an example of Race fear, the cops were to afraid to arrest this man Crowell Jude age 22 because he was black. They let this murderer go at the taco bell, George Zimmerman was cuffed and taken to the police station and questioned before they let him go. This man Crowell Jude has had no pictures of him on the news his life has not been checked out by the news if they had this man would be in jail. This man facebook page shows him with his gun where he writes " I rob and kill for money" He also goes on to say a song he likes makes him feel like shooting someone. Justice for Daniel, I am Daniel Adkins.

Postby A Person » Mon Jun 04, 2012 6:28 am

nuckledragger wrote:This an example of Race fear, the cops were to afraid to arrest this man Crowell Jude age 22 because he was black.


This is an example of the stupid and dangerous 'stand your ground' laws that are letting people get away with murder. All the killer has to do is to claim he felt threatened, the police have a difficult task to prove otherwise. 70% of people who have invoked the 'stand your ground' defence have walked away scot free- that includes blacks, whites, Hispanics

Who knows, maybe if Crowell hadn't shot Daniel Adkins, Daniel might have hit him and got a bloody nose - like Zimmerman.

It's not easy to tell the motives of the killers, they may be racially motivated but the real problem is that they are not required to justify their lethal actions to a court to determine if 'self defense' was justified in the circumstances. "Stand your ground' laws are so flexible they allow people to instigate a confrontation, shoot the other guy and walk away. The victim of course cannot appear and defend himself. It just means it's open season on anyone you don't like - a competing drug dealer, a black youth walking home. a mentally handicapped person getting annoyed at nearly being hit by your SUV, or because you think the guy is having an affair with your wife.

But it's worth noting that:

Tampa Bay Times

Defendants claiming "stand your ground" are more likely to prevail if the victim is black. Seventy-three percent of those who killed a black person faced no penalty compared to 59 percent of those who killed a white.

Race fear indeed
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