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The Teaparty: Almost officially a terrorist group

by Liv | Published on Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:50 pm | News
Earlier Wednesday, the Albemarle County Fire Marshal's Office in Virginia confirmed the FBI was investigating a suspicious incident at the home of Virginia Democrat ic Rep. Tom Perriello's brother, days after the brother's home address was posted online by a Tea Party activist.

If we can get across to the other side that they are within inches of provoking a civil war in this country, then that's a good thing.
--Michael B. Vanderboegh


Yelling "Baby Killers", telling the president "You Lie" and that he's a "buckwheat", now the Republican's alter-ego, the Tea Party is turning to violence as they lose grip with their reality.

The smart money says they'll blow their wad soon and become politically marginalized.

However, they remain stupid and are not yet used to losing.
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Fecund Stench
They will have to lose an election first - the GOP have got to realize that what is good for Fox ratings isn't neccesarily good for governing - and the tea party is a Fox creation
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A Person
Uh, I think they lost the last election and all it did was make them meaner. No worries. They'll come to a head and Sarah Palin will be only a bad memory.
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Fecund Stench
Rabble rousers never learn the most vital lesson from that profession's history: Once you're roused a rabble, you can't control what it does. It is the bluntest of blunt political tools, and liable to bash your own side as the side you want bashed.

When John Boehner stated that a representative who voted for the reform bill "may be a dead man," did he really think that no one out in the real world would possibly hear that and think, "You know what? That sounds like a GREAT idea!"?

Now we have people heaving bricks through windows, phoning in death threats and vandalizing homes -- and Boehner has the nerve to say "Violence isn't acceptable"? That's mighty pathetic, if you ask me. It shouldn't take that much brain power to realize that words -- especially words spoken by national leaders -- have power. If he truly didn't realize that, then he has no business being there in the first place.
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Fecund Stench wrote:Uh, I think they lost the last election and all it did was make them meaner.

The GOP lost the last election. The teabaggers think it was because McCain and the party was too 'left wing' and have pushed conservatives hard to the far right, in the process losing the more intelligent and reasonable folk like Colin Powell. Political weather-vanes like Romney and McCain are being blown along. The next step is for the Tea Party to field far right candidates against moderate republicans, splitting the conservative vote.

When that election is lost then maybe the movement will be over. It may take some real mob violence too. There have been so many threats, and it's only a matter of time before someone opens fire.
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A Person
See this article: http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE62N5H620100324

Make sure after reading this article, you also read...

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A Person
A Person wrote:When that election is lost then maybe the movement will be over. It may take some real mob violence too. There have been so many threats, and it's only a matter of time before someone opens fire.

Oh I expect the rift in American politics to keep getting wider. Too many people have gotten their emotions stirred up to a boiling point, by "leaders" who haven't learned or don't care about the consequences of making large groups of people neurotic.

Getting gas lines cut and bricks tossed through windows is just a tiny down payment on the potential chaos these nuts have prepared.
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Seems that Sarah P is sending mixed messages to the world. Again.

During the past year, she pushed the term "government death panels" into the spotlight. Then at the Tea Party convention, she urged her listeners to use "civil" language in the debates over public policy.

Now she's in hot water for a Facebook post that indicated the districts of 20 Democrats that she plans to work to unseat in the upcoming election -- marking those locations in the map using crosshair icons.

She is a fount of political inspiration, she is! :twisted:
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A video of a man with Parkinson's being bereated and mocked by tea baggers went viral in the runup to the vote

The man does indeed have Parkinson's

Now the Tea bagger is sorry and 'scared'

He said he's fearful for his family after reading comments about his actions on the Internet.

"I've been looking at the web sites," he said. "People are hunting for me."

It's the end of the Tea Party for him

"That was my first time at any political rally and I'm never going to another one, I will never ever, ever go to another one."
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A Person
Take a look at this crap.... WTF? Maybe being stranded in Britain isn't as bad of an idea as I think now.

Shots fired at a congressman's campaign headquarters. Windows smashed at Democrat ic offices across the country. A coffin placed on a lawmaker's lawn. Hate-filled voice mail messages left on members of Congress' phone lines.
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A Person wrote:Now the Tea bagger is sorry and 'scared'

He said he's fearful for his family after reading comments about his actions on the Internet.

"I've been looking at the web sites," he said. "People are hunting for me."

It's the end of the Tea Party for him

"That was my first time at any political rally and I'm never going to another one, I will never ever, ever go to another one."

Interesting story indeed. Setting aside the anger that comes to mind when anyone who is as vulnerable as a disabled person in a wheelchair gets attacked... this sort of thing makes me wonder about this opposition.

We hear not only regurgitated talking points from them, but we also hear repeated catchphrases (The Daily Show folks are masters at catching these and pointing them out), as though no one has actually thought about the matter and decided independently to oppose the reforms.

I mean, how can a friend that I know oppose this reform because "guvmint-run health care would ruin this country" -- then make plans to get cataract surgery only after he becomes eligible for Medicare ... because his company-provided health insurance won't pay? That's the decision-making of a man who hasn't clearly thought the matter through, IMO.

Similarly, this matter of "health-care rationing" sure sounds like a huge red herring. Health care is rationed now. What makes anyone think that reforming the system will make the situation worse? Sure, more people will be seeing doctors for appointments for check-ups... but isn't that a good thing? So you might have to wait a couple of extra weeks for a check-up. WTF is the big deal there? People need to grow up and get over this mindless opposition to long-overdue changes.
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Liv wrote:Yelling "Baby Killers", telling the president "You Lie" and that he's a "buckwheat", now the Republican's alter-ego, the Tea Party is turning to violence as they lose grip with their reality.

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I just don't get it. Honestly the main thing I'm hearing is people are upset that they're forced to do it without choice.

The problem is most of these people who are forced into insurance will be subsidized I'm guessing.

Which does point out a definite problem that's been going on all year... a lack of educating the public on whats going on. All the public is hearing is they'll be forced into something without choice... they're not hearing that they may qualify for free care or be subsidized to the point it's cheaper than the health care they have know.

Sure those few people who elect no coverage and make large sums of money may get screwed, but isn't that the point?

....but those aren't the people throwing bricks.

It's the rednecks making $10 an hour on their corporate HMO fearful that they're going to be driven into bankruptcy by this plan since they can no longer control if/when they can have health care.

They need to get the info to the people and I think we will see this irrational behavior sunbside.
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Liv wrote:They need to get the info to the people and I think we will see this irrational behavior sunbside.

How will they get information to the people when these yahoos with bricks and torches only watch Faux News?
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Presidential address? Pre-empted by giant asteroid headed to earth?
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The Founding Father's didn't know their constitution.

There is a movement to challenge the 'individual mandate' because it's unconstitutional

Wall Street Journal Opinion Federal legislation requiring that every American have health insurance is part of all the major health-care reform plans now being considered in Washington. Such a mandate, however, would expand the federal government’s authority over individual Americans to an unprecedented degree. It is also profoundly unconstitutional.
The elephant in the room is the Constitution. As every civics class once taught, the federal government is a government of limited, enumerated powers, with the states retaining broad regulatory authority. As James Madison explained in the Federalist Papers: "[I]n the first place it is to be remembered that the general government is not to be charged with the whole power of making and administering laws. Its jurisdiction is limited to certain enumerated objects." Congress, in other words, cannot regulate simply because it sees a problem to be fixed. Federal law must be grounded in one of the specific grants of authority found in the Constitution

Dang it all, someone had better tell John Adams that the constitution he signed prohibited him from mandating health care insurance

Salon In July, 1798, Congress passed, and President John Adams signed into law “An Act for the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen,” authorizing the creation of a marine hospital service, and mandating privately employed sailors to purchase healthcare insurance.

This legislation also created America’s first payroll tax, as a ship’s owner was required to deduct 20 cents from each sailor’s monthly pay and forward those receipts to the service, which in turn provided injured sailors hospital care. Failure to pay or account properly was discouraged by requiring a law violating owner or ship's captain to pay a 100 dollar fine.

This historical fact demolishes claims of “unprecedented” and "The Constitution nowhere authorizes the United States to mandate, either directly or under threat of penalty...”

Imagine that - Government relief for seamen ... OK I won't go there
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A Person
Fox news says Britain has "want-to-be" tea-partiers of their own:

http://video.foxnews.com/v/4437373/yank ... e-england/
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