ecofox wrote:....Save lives? You must be joking. You are supporting the killing children.
It's not a joke or some game that we can play. It's lives on the line, snuffed out for the selfish whims of society.
Read the facts my friend. Abortion kills. It can kill the mother. It kills the child. The mother never escapes unscathed. It harms them emotionally, physically, and perhaps even spiritually.
Why don’t YOU read the facts, and look at some credible sources of information. Your antiabortion religious sites are not factual, they are highly political and contain MANY errors in fact. Obviously, you have not read my posts over the past year. Look them up and you will see there are a variety of situations in which a pregnancy goes terribly wrong and the only way to preserve the life (not health), LIFE of the mother is to abort the fetus before it is sufficiently mature to survive outside the womb. A partial list of those medical situations:
1. A diabetic mother begins having eclamptic seizures at 4 months gestation. You have 2 choices: Abort and the mother has a chance to survive. Continue the pregnancy and they BOTH die.
2. The mother's heart is found to be compromised during pregnancy and the extra demands on the mother's heart causes her to go into congestive heart failure
3. An infection develops in the amniotic sac prior to viability. Leave the pregnancy alone and the mother will become septic and both will die. Remove the fetus and amniotic sac and the mother might survive.
4. Breast cancer is discovered in the mother prior to the time the fetus is viable (rate = 1 case per 3000 pregnancies). The hormones of pregnancy spread breast cancer like wildfire and the treatments for breast cancer cannot be done while a woman is pregnant because they will cause anomolies in the newborn. If the woman opts to wait to have treatment until after the fetus is viable, the cancer will spread so fast she may not even make it to term. Of course, if she dies from the cancer, the fetus dies with her.
5. Cervical cancer is discovered during the pregnancy (rate= 1 case per 2200 pregnancies). The only treatment is removal of the cervix and usually the uterus and ovaries, which will cause massive hemorhage is the fetus is not removed first. Of course, if viability has been reached, a c-section can be performed first and then the hysterectomy. But if the woman opts to continue the pregnancy and leave the cancer untreated, there is a high likelihood that both will die.
6. Malignant melanoma (1 case per 1000 pregnancies). Can't be treated unless the fetus is aborted. Even treated many of these cancers end in death of the mother. Even a week delay in treatment greatly reduces the probability of survival.
7. Massive multiples. This used to be rare, but with so much fertility treatment going on, and some really “fly-by-night” doctors who (as we saw quite recently with Nadya Suleman’s octuplets) are willing to insert more than 3 embryos at one time. Nadya Suleman was actually able to carry them to viability at 30 weeks (10 weeks premature) but Nadya is a rare woman indeed—probably only one woman out of a million could carry octuplets to viability. The more typical picture once the number of fetuses grows beyond 2-3 is that the mother’s kidneys, liver, heart and lungs cannot handle the huge extra load, she becomes toxemic by the 4th month and either dies or has them all removed; and while sick indeed for awhile, usually recovers. Or, for a better outcome, the woman has all but 2 removed prior to the 3rd month (which I suspect you would view as an unnecessary abortion of 4 or 5 fetuses.)
Thesse are only some of the reasons abortion is necessary to save the mother. But you and your ill informed ilk never read credible medical information, all you seem to read is stuff that you KNOW will reinforce your ignorant prejudices.
exofox wrote:3 Weeks after Fertilization (5 weeks after LMP):
The eyes and spinal cord are visible and the developing brain has two lobes.
So? Cows have eyes, a spinal cord, a beating heart and a fully developed brain. So do chickens, pigs and fish. But unless you are a vegan, you contribute to the "murder" of millions and millions of those creatures every year.
Suleman Babies Obstetrician, Dr. Karen Maples: ... index.htmlMaternal cancers warranting abortion to save the mother): Suzanne R Trupin, MD, Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Illinois College of Medicine-Champaign.