Thomas Jefferson was a Liberal
by Questioner | Published on March 5th, 2009, 12:09 pm | News
Most Republicans of the Rush Limbaugh ilk would not have liked one of our premier founding fathers:Here are some actual and accurate Jefferson quotes:
"Force [is] the vital principle and immediate parent of
despotism." --Thomas Jefferson: 1st Inaugural, 1801
"Lay down true principles and adhere to them inflexibly. Do not
be frightened into their surrender by the alarms of the timid, or
the croakings of wealth against the ascendency of the people."
--Thomas Jefferson to Samuel Kercheval, 1816.
"Experience declares that man is the only animal which devours
his own kind, for I can apply no milder term to...the general
prey of the rich on the poor." --Thomas Jefferson to Edward
Carrington, 1787.
"Democrats consider the people as the safest depository of power
in the last resort; they cherish them, therefore, and wish to
leave in them all the powers to the exercise of which they are
competent." --Thomas Jefferson to William Short, 1825.
"Aristocrats fear the people, and wish to transfer all power to
the higher classes of society." --Thomas Jefferson to William
Short, 1825.