Bloom Grocery Stores
by Liv | Published on January 8th, 2006, 2:39 pm | Food

Bloom Grocery Stores
Over the summer we decided to take the kids down to the Discovery Zone, down in Charlotte. One of the interesting discoveries we made once entering into Charlotte is the Grocery Store chain called Bloom.
I had never heard of Bloom, but learned its owned by Food Lion. I actually had to do a double take, because at least from the outside, it looked very upscale. Very similar to Harris Teeter; and, I imagine that is their goal.
When will Greensboro get these magical Bloom stores, that are supposedly designed by and for shoppers? Who knows? Food Lion's current set up which involves shopping with a chest full of dynamite to get any customer service is not very good in my opinion.

Though the website leaves a lot to the imagination, I must say I find myself intrigued, and hopeful Food Lion will drop its dated, and tainted image of the low-cost supermarket in favor of a more rewarding shopping experience.
So Food Lion, when you going to build a Bloom Grocery Store in Greensboro?

Bloom Muffins
A Bloom billboard on N.C. 150 featured a car-crushing muffin as an eye-catching way to call attention to one of the supermarket's signature items, Bloomberry Muffins. The jumbo-size muffins on the billboard went up at the end of August and a muffin 'fell' off the billboard last week and 'landed' on a car below.