McDonalds Steak Egg & Cheese Bagel

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Published on December 29th, 2007, 6:32 pm
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Despite the common consensus lately that McDonald's sucks. I have to admit they do three things really well.

The Big Mac

The Fish Fillet

The Steak & Egg Breakfast Bagel.

The last of those three we will discuss here today. Maybe your not familiar with McDonald's steak bagel. That's okay, its only been on the menu a few years, and around here MickeyDees isn't generally on most of our minds as a good breakfast choice. But you have to try one of these. I can't pin-point what it is, but they put something in these things that's got to be close to the human version of cat-nip.


Let me describe this incredible sandwich to you. Take one Bagel, & some sort of meat that tastes exactly like steak, but looks a little like grey square hamburger, add sauteed onions, some cheese and eggs... and there you have it: McDonald's Steak & Egg Breakfast Bagel.


To better describe this to you, I have to tell you its not the separate parts of the sandwich, its the sum of all its ingredients. The grease from the steak is like an Au Jus that soaks into the bagel just enough to give it that soft chewy taste. The jokes on you when your realize some technical genius put McDonald's greasiest food on a bagel that has a hole in the middle of it to drip on your clothes.

I've got to ask how does McDonald's do it? I mean really... 3.95 for Steak, Eggs, & Bagel? No where can you get that deal. Try going to Long Horn Steak house and getting out for under 4.00 with an orange juice. I'm starting to wonder if the local steak restaurant is price gouging like the gas stations are?

I decided to investigate. Yesterday while making my journey through the High Point road McDonald's Drive-thru, I asked the lady taking my debit card what kinda steak it was.

"Whatcha mean what kinda steak it is?", she asked.

Me: "Well is it a T-bone, Porter House, a rib-eye?"

Her: "Uh, hun its a McDonald's steak."

Me: "Oh, really. It does from a cow right?"

Her: "Oh no, honey it comes from a truck that come on Mondays."

Me: "Really?" I was now Doing that one eye RCA/ Victor Dog Look with my head cocked.

Right about then I could tell I was holding up the line when the guy behind me leaned out his window honking his horn and yelled "Are you ordering the whole freaking cow lady?"

I turned my head in his direction and began to yell back at him "No they come from the truck!" But then I realized it was a really stupid come back. So I stuck out my middle finger, and blew him a kiss. The McDonald's lady started laughing. I turned to her and said " Can I ask you one last question?"

"Sure", she said.

I asked, "Is Ronald Here?"

"Ronald? There isn't anybody by the name who works here.", she replied.

"Oh", I said (kinda disappointed), "Thanks"

And I drove off to window #2 for my little piece of mystery meat heaven.
Thanks Ronald!
December 29th, 2007, 6:32 pm

The only thing about McDs I like are the fries here and also here and maybe here... oh, and a sandwich they discontinued in the 90's
McDs_arch_deluxe.jpg (19.6 KiB) Viewed 12136 times
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December 29th, 2007, 7:24 pm
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That said, there are so many things about this post that confuse me. Anybody check the dates on this thing??
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December 29th, 2007, 7:26 pm
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I'm a fan of fries lately too... Oddly enough I've never been before....

I read that Rense article awhile back. It's very interesting. Who knew they could do that? Makes you wonder why they can't make broccoli taste like a Big Mac then?
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December 29th, 2007, 7:28 pm
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Sanjuro wrote:That said, there are so many things about this post that confuse me. Anybody check the dates on this thing??

It got bumped.
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December 29th, 2007, 7:28 pm
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If you ever want to avoid the grease and Mac D's is the only thing you have quick access to, their chicken salad is actually pretty good and filling. Under $5, unless you get a drink.

I wouldn't try eating that on the road, though.
December 29th, 2007, 7:38 pm
Back when I was still truck driving, if McDonald's was the only place around to eat I would go hungry rather than eat that slop.
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December 29th, 2007, 7:49 pm
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HAHAHAHA!!!! I enjoyed your story about your account at the McD's drivethrough, Liv. :lol:

That Steak Bagel is definately pretty tasty (although I order mine without egg), as well as the Chicken Biscuit. I weened myself from McD's years ago and really don't go very often.

Although I have been sited a few times visiting the "Clown Of Calories" over the past 2 months to participate in the McRib's Encore Farewell Tour. Mmmmmm!!
December 29th, 2007, 10:33 pm
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Sometimes, when I'm feeling kind of low at the beginning of the day, nothing, and I mean nothing, makes me happier than the warm greasy confection which is the McDonald's Steak, Egg and Cheese biscuit. Piled with sauteed onions, it oozes death... er, grease. This is not a victual to be choked down in traffic. Find a parking space, spread a lot of napkins and invest the time this special treat deserves.

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December 30th, 2007, 12:25 am
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Liv wrote: but they put something in these things that's got to be close to the human version of cat-nip

So THAT'S what it is! :P

I'm particularly fond of the same bagel minus the steak. I've tried egg & cheese bagels everywhere else....still keep coming back for the Mickey D version!
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December 31st, 2007, 9:19 am
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I just had it and was very dissopointed. I went there expecting dinner, 2 double cheese with mac sauce added for 30 cents each cuz mcdonalds is money hungry...but it is daylight savings day and they already set their clocks to 3:30 and my clock still said 2:30. so i ordered this and was dissopointed!
March 9th, 2008, 3:57 am
Wait, wait... they serve breakfast at 2:30 in the afternoon?

Just buy the Big Mac... enough with the ghetto big macs. That's just being cheap...
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March 10th, 2008, 11:33 am
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Liv wrote:Wait, wait... they serve breakfast at 2:30 in the afternoon?

Just buy the Big Mac... enough with the ghetto big macs. That's just being cheap...

There are some Micky Ds open 24 hours in Greensboro....
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March 10th, 2008, 1:14 pm
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So at 2:30am they start serving breakfast?
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March 10th, 2008, 2:25 pm
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Liv wrote:So at 2:30am they start serving breakfast?

I believe they start breakfast at midnight. I could be wrong. Sometimes those restaurants will serve both a limited dinner and breakfast menu between midnight and 3am. Certainly by 3am they are serving breakfast though...
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March 10th, 2008, 2:31 pm
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I've moved on to their McSkillet burrito...

fairly darn good.... but the steak & egg bagel is still one of their bests.
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March 10th, 2008, 2:34 pm
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Liv wrote:I've moved on to their McSkillet burrito...

fairly darn good.... but the steak & egg bagel is still one of their bests.

I agree with you on both points (let's not make this a habit). That new burrito is pretty darn good and even has a small amount of kick to it.
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March 10th, 2008, 2:36 pm
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Actually, I haven't had breakfast in about 3 months out... But I do miss breakfast.... It's one of my favorites.... just not the greatest for someone who is trying to lose weight.
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March 10th, 2008, 2:41 pm
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Liv wrote:Actually, I haven't had breakfast in about 3 months out... But I do miss breakfast.... It's one of my favorites.... just not the greatest for someone who is trying to lose weight.

Darn it Liv! You did it AGAIN.... I agree with you.

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March 10th, 2008, 2:42 pm
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Get this though! I'm flying like 5,000 some miles to some far off continent with crazy little British people, and guess what? I will be staying the week in a Hotel that is directly opposite the side of the road of a McDonalds.

I could pretend it's Scottish, right?

I wonder if they they have a different menu there?
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March 10th, 2008, 4:40 pm
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I've loved this breakfast vidal for 9 years. Unfortunately, in recent times, most McD's have stopped offering it due to low sales. I avoid pork (don't ask), so I'm left with no real alternative. The last time I had a McD's S.E.C. Bagel was 2005 in Jackson Hole, WY. I'm in the military and I move quite frequently. I have found that the menu item disappeared from McD's in the South first, and then followed suit everywhere else.

For many years, I tried to duplicate the recipe, but I always failed miserably. I have finally mastered the recipe. I've received many ovations from friends who spent the night. It takes a while to make, at first, but after a while, it's fast cookins'.

Sarah Lee Bagel (1)
Kraft Deluxe Cheese (2)
Hollandaise Sauce (1-2 TBS)
Onions, Sauteed (I use 1/2 onion for 4 bagels and saute in butter)
Egg (1 - cook like an empty omelet)
Morton's Philly Cheese Steak meat (1) (If Morton's isn't available, Steak-Ums will suffice)
Montreal Steak Seasoning (1-2TBS per bagel. Use liberally)

I prefer Morton's Philly Cheese Steak meat. It's an oval and about 1/2 inch thick. It better approximates McD's steak. Toast the middle part of the bagel (either with a bagel toaster or by cooking one side on a skillet). The Meat must be cooked until the edges are solid & crispy.

I make the sandwiches with 1 piece of cheese on the bottom, then steak, onions, hollandaise, egg and finally another piece of cheese. The cheese helps to seal the hole in the bagels (so oil doesn't leak onto your lap). The egg & cheese at the top also prevents the onions from slithering out...

Let me know what you think of this recipe.
July 11th, 2008, 12:44 pm
Thanks. I've made them at home too... (Though not in a while) and they're equally delicious.

Unfortunately my days of McDonalds are over with for a while.... I suppose this could be made low-fat using lean meats and low-fat cheese....
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July 11th, 2008, 12:58 pm
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If you want a burger that actually tastes like a burger, try Beef Burger on Lee Street. But be sure and pack a little spare change for the crackheads.
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July 11th, 2008, 2:15 pm
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Love Beef Burger, though I can't get Shannon there... She's not fond of the whirl-o-matic and it's time machine of dripping fat.... but I love it...
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July 11th, 2008, 2:24 pm
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Liv wrote:Love Beef Burger, though I can't get Shannon there... She's not fond of the whirl-o-matic and it's time machine of dripping fat.... but I love it...

But it's the dripping fat that makes it so exquisite ! And where else can one get a Fried Baloney Box ? :wink:
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July 11th, 2008, 2:49 pm
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