But why is it there? Where is there? For those have you who've gone, you know it's in the middle of nowhere. From London it was about a 2 hour drive on what the NAV system states is "Major Roads". Let me clarify, that the British do not believe in shoulders on roads. Technically the lanes on their road are smaller then my ass, and they love to put sharp curbs, big trees, and anything else dangerous they can come up with for you to hit on your journey. So literally in the middle of these open plains in East Britain is a bunch of huge rocks.
We got out, paid the 6 pounds (I think 6) and walked over on a path which extended around the monument about 20-30 feet from it. In the background are sheeps roaming the area, and a quiet still landscape perfect for landing space ships, configuring the druid calender, or some other weird things. This is when it hits you? Why the hell would someone drag some big arse stones several 1000 miles into the middle of no where? It's the mystery of Stonehenge! Well, that, and why they don't put a giant building around it all.
Basically all we know is Stonehenge is really, really old, and has evolved or been re-built throughout the ages. Is it a calendar, a stargate, a temple, or merely just a prehistoric version of British Dominoes?
I did happen to get several high-res photo shots of Stonehenge, and this one is on my laptop desktop right now. Feel free to enjoy it too: