OK here's my suggestion, if you own a credit card with more then three dollars and have an open mind, order
this while some still exist. If you have a child, then even better. Because it is a child's book. A completely complicated- mind blowing, child's book... but a child's book none-the-less.
The book is called "Atlantis: The missing continent." It's probably as old as Atlantis itself, and I'd be surprised if you can easily get ahold of a copy of this at your local library. I'm not sure if it's even made anymore.
Written by David McMullen, he tells a story of Atlantis, the fabled one we all know, and then talks about it in realistic terms. That's the part that will probably be way over the top of your 5 year old's head... but yours will be in a mythological delight, as this book compels you to understand how religious stories have been retold over and over. How Greeks & Romans renamed Gods, revising the future of their historical beliefs. He makes the suggestion that Atlantis and Noah's Ark might be the same story.
Those of you who know me, are well aware of my belief in such a similar mythology. That even Christianity is merely a subset, a revised edition of Egyptian gods, and maybe even further back. I'm also very much interested in Atlantis, and it's connection in all this. The idea that perhaps land-masses, huge ones at that, can disappear overnight; contradicts modern beliefs that global warming, and tectonic plate movement is a gradual process. What if tomorrow America did sink below the ocean? Is it possible we're missing something?
This book is a great primer to Atlantis. For those who don't know, the story of Atlantis is one of the oldest stories known to man. We believe it's in excess of 8,000 years old but quite frankly we only have to guess, because it wasn't written down till Plato got ahold of it and made it into an Greek Summer Blockbuster back in the year 360BC. Other hot writings that year were: "Live Slave- Die Hard" & "Transformers: Eunuch's in disguise"
You see Atlantis is such an important myth to understand because after Atlantis sank, it's residents and descendants fanned out into Europe and built a remarkable world using Atlantean technology. The Sphinx's and Pyramids, and not just Egyptian, but Mayan temples, and structures throughout the world were because of the remarkable, technological advancements of the Atlanteans. We still don't understand how such feats were capable. Perhaps Atlanteans had far greater technology then even we do today.
Maybe the worship of the sun God by Egyptians, wasn't a God at all? Maybe the Atlantean's use of modern solar, free energy was in use long before Jesus walked the earth? Maybe the Egyptians got confused? Maybe, we're to proud as a race to believe that we (the people of 2007) aren't the smartest incarnation of our species? Maybe, something happened, some sort of world event occurred that brought about great losses of knowledge? Maybe it's just a giant version of the movie Ground-hog's day, but we don't realize we're re-living our mistakes?
This is what this book opens up to the reader, and rather then spoil the fun of this little gem, I suggest you read it... no really. I don't recommend alot of books... but this one is good. I'm sure some of you, will become spitting mad while reading it, but in the end it does teach a lesson.
David closes with this:
Perhaps Atlantis is only a dream- a dream of living in peace and plenty on this planet. If so, it is a dream worth holding onto. It tells us we must lean to overcome our jealousies and greed. That is a problem each of us must help to solve if our world is to survive... And hold on tight to your own dreams. They too could come true. Maybe you'll even find your own Atlantis.