It's not obvious how to remove the cylinder from a SmartKey doorknob so here are the instructions, This applies to other new model but not SmartKey Weiser door knobs
This is the cylinder after removal
You can see the two springy tabs that hold the cylinder in place, Your task - if you choose to accept it - is to release those tabs
First step is to remove the square section center actuator
To do this you need to press on the tab marked, while pulling on the actuator rod
This takes three hands so I couldn't take a photo while doing it, but I pushed the tab with the punch while pulling the actuator with the pliers. It took a bit of jiggling
With the actuator rod out you can see down into the hole to the spring clips. You need to release them both at the same time. You could use screwdrivers, but I found that two BBQ skewers worked perfectly
Slide one down the curved plate, when you can feel the spring push it behind the spring and hold it with your finger while probing on the other side of the hole with the second skewer/tool. When you feel the other spring, push that and the cylinder will pop out.
Reassembly is a whole lot easier. Just snap the cylinder in, push on the tab and reinsert the actuator
This won't make sense unless you have the unit in front of you, but it should save some time working out how to do it should you ever want toStatistics: Posted by A Person — Thu Apr 07, 2011 10:17 pm